

The Doctor of Education programs offer opportunities to earn degrees in instructional leadership and instructional practices. This education doctorate is designed for those who aspire to be outstanding leaders in all levels of public and private education. All classes meet at the 卡特 and 莫耶斯教育学院's Cedar Bluff Campus in Knoxville, TN. 适应专业人士繁忙的生活, courses are held one weekend per month with sessions spanning Friday evening and all-day Saturday.

请参加我们即将举行的虚拟宣讲会! 日期、时间和缩放链接如下所示.

参见入学要求 | 马上申请


  • 关怀备至的教师
  • 选项(36、48和63学时)
  • 个性化的关注
  • 队列群体模型
  • 广泛的面对面和在线支持
  • 适合专业人士的时间表
  • 研究-理论到实践
  • An Online Portal for Coordinating Tasks and Documents Related to Research and Dissertations
  • An Opportunity to Start Work on your Dissertation in your first class


你会成为什么样的教育家? Learn more about the different levels of doctoral programming here at LMU.


Educators interested in pursuing district positions in PK-16 settings or in higher education where the focus is on adult learning and professional development will find this concentration provides a rich curriculum capable of preparing them for careers they may want to undertake. Successful completion of the coursework and research will enable them to develop the skills, 信心, and knowledge required to become leaders in positions at the Director or Central Office level in instruction and professional development; at the higher ed level as program director or curriculum director; and in private industry leading professional development for educators, 等.


This concentration affords those educators who want to enhance their opportunities in PK - 16 settings as principals, 校长助理, 负责人, 董事, 或者在当地担任相关领导职务, 区域, 状态, or even national positions that demand skilled leadership and a comprehensive knowledge base. This concentration provides multiple opportunities to acquire the knowledge needed to pursue such jobs.

Available at Lincoln Memorial University's Cedar Bluff Campus, Knoxville, TN


LMU EdS Graduates who qualify for admission into the LMU EdD program can apply 30 EdS credit hours toward the doctoral program to pursue their EdS concentration within the EdD program. This means your total hours of coursework remaining after the EdS would be 36 credit hours. Each fall, a new cohort begins, and completed applications are due May 1st. For early consideration, please have completed applications submitted by February 1st.

*有资格参加36小时的学习计划, students must have completed their EdS within the last ten years. Potential candidates will be eligible for the 48-hour program of study after ten years. 


  •   Why should I choose Lincoln Memorial University for my doctorate?

    LMU will support you in the following key areas during your pursuit of a Doctor of Education degree:

    • 个性化的关注. Professors counsel and mentor each candidate and are available to the candidate throughout the candidate's program.
    • 群组模型. Candidates enter the program during the fall of each year and will, 在很大程度上, remain with the same group of colleagues throughout the completion of their coursework. Long-standing and valuable professional relationships are formed due to this program model.
    • 论文的支持. 在线项目管理工具(如.g., 日历, 任务, Gantt chart); all 形式, 参考资料, and deadlines; APA style sets (LMU developed); and cloud storage for content, 参考文献, 形式, 和图片,以方便论文的制作, 审查, and approval processes as well as serve as a conduit for document e-transfer between chairs, 委员会成员, 论文审稿人.
    • 安排工作的专业人士. One weekend per month during the fall, spring, and summer terms.
    • 研究——我们把理论付诸实践.
  •   When is the application deadline for the Doctor of Education program?

    5月1日前接受完整的申请包. For early consideration, please have completed applications submitted by February 1st.

  •   我如何申请这个项目?
    • 完成两阶段 录取过程 (证书和绩效评估)
    • 设计方案 (63、48或36学时课程)
    • 选择浓度 教学实践(IP)或教学领导(IL)
  •   这个项目多长时间?

    The 48-credit hour program coursework can be completed in six (6) terms plus dissertation hours, while the 63-credit hour program coursework requires eight terms (8) plus dissertation hours. Candidate research and dissertation production time varies depending on the nature of the study, 候选人可自由支配的时间, 以及要收集的数据类型. LMU还为LMU的EdS毕业生提供36学时的课程. Program coursework can be completed in four (4) terms plus dissertation hours.

  •   Do I need to submit my Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores?

    入学EdD课程不需要GRE成绩. 相反,写作活动是申请过程的一部分.

教育远景及使命博士 & 值


To be a nationally recognized leader in developing scholar-practitioners who serve to advance ethics, 改变, 通过决策科学实现社会公正.


The mission of the Doctor of Education is to facilitate the development of investigative, 个人, 人际关系, and innovative skills needed for leaders to address emerging issues in organizational settings. This is accomplished through academic experiences which challenge professionals to transform the institutions and communities they serve by advancing ethics, 改变, 通过决策科学实现社会公正.

  • 伦理领导
  • 转换
  • 社会正义
  • 重要的调查






卡特 & 莫耶斯教育学院


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